Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Jack!

Nathan was invited to his first birthday party last Sunday. His best friend Jack turned one! I can't believe that in five months, we'll be celebrating Nathan's first birthday. It's so funny because it seems like it wasn't that long ago when Jack was born! We had a great time, and it was so much fun to see all of the kids play together. Nathan was in a fabulous mood!

Here's the birthday boy dressed in green for his frog theme birthday.

Nathan with Robin and Willow. Jack's checking out the weather!

Nathan was so excited and kept yelling, squealing, and smiling. We think he might have thought the party was for him!

Mr. Jack is checking out his guests :)

"Are all of these balls for us to play with?!"

Jennifer and Nick set out a few toys for the kids to play with, but the one that was the most popular was a baby pool full of plastic balls. This is where Nathan spent most of his time.

Nathan and Willow...I think Nathan has just realized that he has a tongue and loves to stick it out!

Olivia and Nathan buried under the balls.

"Come on in Mom!"

Ethan and his cute dimples!

Jack and his new presents. Nathan got him a pair of sandals that squeak when he walks! I know his mom is going to LOVE those!

"I'm just going to hang out here with the balls ok?"

Jack wasted no time digging into his cake. It was hilarious to watch!

"Yay! Everyone is gone and I get the ball pool all to myself! YIPPEE!!!"

We had a wonderful time at the party, and Nathan was wiped out from the festivities. Happy birthday Jack!


Anonymous said...

From Aunt Carrie:

Nate, glad you had fun at Jack's b-day party. Pretty soon we'll be planning your party! I'm having Nate withdrawals....need to see you soon and kiss those fat cheeks of yours!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nathan, all your little baby friends are big kids now. Everyone is so cute. Jack's party looked like so much fun. Good idea to have a pool full of balls!! Guess who has a birthday very soon....Papa! April 28th he will be 67 years old ...I think. I bet he will need some help blowing out his candles.