Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nathan's First Birthday Party

Our little baby is 1! It is so unreal to say that! He's actually going to be one tomorrow, but we had his party this last Saturday. Wayne and I just about killed ourselves trying to get the new house ready for Nathan's birthday party, but it was completely worth it! Nathan's party turned out to be so much fun and everything was perfect...except that I forgot to pass out the party hats and serve ice cream with the cake...but who's keeping track? Anyway, all of Nathan's friends were there, and I think everyone had a great time.

Nathan's party had a Nautical theme! How cute are his cakes?! And his baby cake had a little anchor on it. I couldn't find my camera when it was time for him to dig in so I'm waiting for my sister to send me her pics. I'll put those on later.

"When is everyone going to get here?"

"Mommy, they're here!!!!!"

Nathan's best friend, Jack was there with his new spikey haircut. It is so cute!

We had barbeque for lunch and Mom made her famous Apache dip!

The plan was to let all of the kids play first while we ate lunch, then open presents, eat cake, and swim last. Well when it was time to open presents, it was a bit chaotic. Nathan wasn't really paying attention and all of the kids wanted to play with the boxes. I was afraid it was going to take way too long so we ended up skipping the present part and just going straight to the messy cake eating part.

Nathan really dug into his cake and when I get the rest of my pictures sent to me, I'll be sure to post them. He definitely has my sweet tooth!

What was the most fun, was swimming afterwards. Our new house has a pool which we are loving! I really didn't think that everyone would swim, but they did!
I bought a ton of inflatable sea animals to float around in the pool. It looked so cute to see all of these babies, their parents, and big dolphins, fish, and lobsters!

All of the non swimmers (parents and grandparents) found a shady area to sit and watch.

After everyone left, we all took super long naps and then Nathan opened the rest of this presents. His friends were so sweet to get him such nice things.

And of course, he loved playing with his balloons.

This is the riding truck that his Aunt Carrie and Uncle Chris got him. What a big hit! As soon as we get our internet hooked up, I'll post the rest of my pics and some cute videos. I'm feeling so behind! I think this might be the longest I've gone without updating!


Carrie said...

Wow....you are one year old now! I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. I am so glad you like your new truck! You have such nice friends...they all had fun at your party. See you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!
Reece had fun at your pool party. Thanks for having us over to share you special day. We also like your new house. Your mom did an amazing job getting it ready for the party!