Saturday, December 27, 2008

Gaylord Ice Sculptures

My sisters, Carrie and Jennifer, came to town early so we had several days before Christmas to have some fun. I've never been to see the ice sculptures at the Gaylord hotel, but I thought that would be a neat thing for Nathan and Robert (Jen's little boy) to see. Plus we were all curious too! It's so fun to have kids to take to things that you really want to do too :)

Me, Jen, and Carrie

Papa, Mama, Robert, and Nathan

"You don't really want to wear your hat do you Papa?"

I've been to this hotel once, but it's been a while. It really is amazing. It's huge and has tons of stuff to look at and do. It was especially neat with all of the Christmas decorations. There was a Gingerbread house, Santa and his reindeer, train sets, and lots of lights!

I really didn't know what to expect with the ice sculptures. I brought Nathan's coat and hat because I thought it might be a little chilly, like when you go ice skating. Well once we got closer to entering the exhibit, we were handed these huge blue coats. How cold is it going to be in there?! NINE DEGREES!

It was so neat to see EVERYTHING made out of ice. Nathan was a really good baby and loved looking at all of the sculptures.

This was a Gingerbread house that you could go inside of. There was even a slide to go on. Mama, Papa, and I skipped the slide but the others went on it. Halfway through Nathan was getting a little restless. Even though he was bundled up, I know he was a bit chilly, and he wanted out of the stroller. So we had to make our way through the crowd to hurry to the end...before Nathan's tears turned to icicles :)

"Mommy, I'm sorry I started crying. I just wanted to see a few ice sculptures and then play on that train we saw at the entrance."

After the Gaylord, we let Nathan and Robert get the rest of their energy out by taking them to the park in my neighborhood. There were a few other kids playing there too. They played on the play equipment first, but then decided to explore the creek.

Nathan loved rocks, but now I think he's moved on to sticks. He saw Robert making a stick "bridge" and was hooked.

"I found a big stick!"

"Here's an even BIGGER one!"

"Whoever invented sticks and rocks is a genius!"


Carrie said...

The ice sculptures were so fun but SOOO COLD! I can't believe Jen and Robert went on the ice slide...brrrr!

Auntie Carrie

Anonymous said...

Brrrrrr! It was cold with all that ice. We loved looking at all the sculptures and started wondering if we might become one...the frozen family. The Gaylord is fun to just wander around and enjoy all the other things they have..yes the train was fun..Robert jumped on the train and said,"Take my picture." Next Nathan was trying to board the train...and remember all the pretty Christmas trees? You girls look so cute together. Let's go back next year. Love, Mama and Papa