Monday, January 12, 2009

Nathan's Date for the Night

Nathan had so much fun last week because his girlfriend, Kelly, came over to our house for dinner. Her parents were celebrating their anniversary that night so Nathan got Kelly all to himself. We were actually over at her house playing that afternoon. Marla hadn't told her yet that she was coming over to my house because that would have been all she asked for all day. So after playing, I said, "Kelly, do you want to come over to my house and eat dinner with Nathan?" She got so excited and said, "Yes, but no Mommy or Daddy, just Nafan and Ashley." So we just said, "Well...Ok...if that's what you want, I guess it will just be us." (wink, wink) She was very serious and was ready to walk out the door. She didn't even seem to wonder how Mommy had her bag ready so fast.

Nathan was beside himself with excitement. He and Kelly talked the whole way to our house and passed toys back and forth. When we got home, Nathan went CRAZY! I think he was showing off. He and Kelly ran around the house, playing chase. They danced with Elmo, played Ring Around the Rosie, fought over toys, had a healthy dinner of mac and cheese, and most of all...kept me busy!

After playing for a while, I gave them both a bath. They splashed and laughed the whole time. Kelly even helped me wash Nathan's hair. After the bath, Kelly wanted to put some lotion on Nathan. I'll take all the help I can get so I squeezed a bit on her hand, thinking she is so sweet and smart and so EASY to take care of. Well, then Kelly started rubbing the lotion all over Nathan's hair. It was so funny because I forgot for a minute that Kelly is only 2 1/2. So we put Nathan back in the tub to wash is hair a 2nd time. Then we put on our comfy pj's and the two settled on the couch with their blankies, drinks, and stuffed animals to watch Snow White.

Kelly and Nathan went from the big couch to the big chair over and over again. When one of them decided to get down and switch seats, the other followed. Happy Anniversary Scott and Marla! We had so much fun with Kelly and will keep her any time! Here are a few videos of the 2nd wind they got after watching Snow White.


Carrie said...

So cute! Nate, you're quite the ladies' man, huh?

Scott and Marla said...

Kelly had so much fun at her boyfriend's house! Thanks for watching her so we could go out! :)