Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Paige!

We've had one birthday party after another, and they're still coming! Paige's birthday party was at Gymboree. Nathan loved this because although we go to Gymboree, we've just been going to the music class. Nathan likes music, but he'd much rather run around and play...actually, that's pretty much what he does in music! When we walked into Gymboree, walked past the music room and into the play room, Nathan went wild! He ran around to every slide, every toy, every section of the room, all the while screaming and squealing. It was like I've kept him caged up for weeks and he's getting his first taste of freedom! EVERYTHING was exciting, everything was fun. He was so hilarious!

Once Nathan found this ball, he would not let it go. He bounced with it, went down the slide with it, and even tried to take it with him when we had cake!

Here are the kids going on a parachute ride. Normally Nathan isn't a big fan of this, but on this day, he didn't want to get off.

"My juice is all gone...can I have another one?" Once again, the juice was Nathan's favorite part. I had already decided I was going to stand firm and only give him ONE juice. Well, that changed when he was sitting at the table, lost his balance, and fell backwards on the floor hitting the back of his head. It was so sad because we all heard the thump, and he immediately started crying. I was on the other side of the room taking pictures so it took me a while to get around to him. He was crying so hard :( They gave him an ice pack, but he was still upset. I knew what would make him feel better though...JUICE! As soon as I gave him a 2nd Capri Sun, the tears stopped, and he said, "Ooooooh juice!" Although he was still sniffling, he was back to his happy self :)

The party was over, and we were saying goodbye to all of our friends. When Nathan realized we were leaving, he ran away from me, back into the play room, and tried to hide in this tunnel :) Happy birthday Paige!


Carrie said...

Wow Nate....it looks like you had such a fun time at the party. I'm so sorry you fell and hit your head :-( I can tell you had lots of fun, too, with your girlfriend, Lauren!

(Auntie Carrie)

Anonymous said...

Nathan, you have so many cute friends. It is so nice for you to get to play with them, and go to birthday parties. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie