Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Nathan turned 2 on Thursday! Does this mean he's not a baby anymore??? He's still my baby even though I guess he's technically a toddler. I love this little boy so much and loved throwing him a party and seeing him have so much fun with his friends. The party was definitely a success although we had a few snags getting ready. I did a ton of preparation the night before so all I had to do Thursday morning was get ready, get Nathan ready, pick up the cake, sandwiches, and balloons, fill the ice chests, fill the baby pool, and be ready for his friends to arrive at 10:00 am! What was I thinking?! At least my mom was going to come over early (9:00) to help me get ready.

So I get to the grocery store right on time and pick up the cake and sandwiches. Nathan was so excited when he saw the cake. Then we go to the balloon counter (I had placed my order several days before) and no one is there. A clerk called on the intercom, but still no one came. Finally a guy who works in the deli showed up and couldn't find my order. By this time, Nathan is getting cranky. So I quickly pick out my balloons all over again and have to wait while the deli guy blows them all up. By this time, Nathan has taken off his shoes, is crying to hold a balloon, and yelling, "Home now!!" I didn't bring any snacks or toys for him because I figured we'd be in and out. WRONG! Finally, we get the balloons and get the heck out of there!

Once we got home, Nathan couldn't understand why he couldn't have a balloon to play with (I ordered enough to tie on the stair banisters and have 3 outside on the mailbox). So to keep him happy, I gave him one of the balloons that were going to go outside. Well, as I was getting one of his toys to tie it to, he accidentally let it go, and it floated all the way up to the ceiling. Here come the tears again! So I gave him another balloon, tied it to his doggy right away, and then went to tie ONE balloon to the mailbox. And all the while, we're still waiting on Mama to show up.

At fifteen minutes to go, I quickly set out all the food, filled the ice chests, do some last minute picking up, and then look outside to see if Mama is here yet...nope not here yet, but where is that balloon I just tied to the mailbox?! I guess I didn't tie it tight enough! So I steal back the balloon that's tied to doggy and take it outside...sorry Nathan! Finally, we're ready, and our first guests arrive. Mama ended up being a little late (10:15), but that's ok...she made up for it by bringing the best salad and being the photographer and videographer. Don't feel bad Mama, we still love you...but next time, can you send Papa over early???

It was a safari theme! How cute are these cupcakes?!

I pretty much just used all of Nathan's animals to decorate! He loves safari animals!

Nathan's first guest, Lauren. Look how they're holding hands :)

Nathan got a little shy when everyone sang to him. He smiled at first and then turned away :) But we finally got him to enjoy his moment and blow out his candle. After he blew it out, he said, "More!" and wanted to do it again :)
We then went outside to play in the splash pool, baby pool, and big pool. All of the kids seemed to have so much fun!

Nathan and his friends enjoying his new picnic table.

Nathan stealing some of Mama's food.
When Wayne got home that night, Nathan couldn't wait to show him his "nake cupcakes." We re-enacted singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candle. I think Nathan blew out his candle 6 times!

Happy Birthday Nathan! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!
Here are two videos of Nathan blowing out his candle for Daddy...sorry Wayne and I have such awful singing voices :)


Anonymous said...

Well, Ashley, I really can't be anywhere at such an early hour as 10:00 A.M. You know I have to have coffee on the porch and stare into space for at least 30 min. Then I have to talk to Cookie about well "whatever" and she really listens and understands and sympathizes, is that a word?? And then reality sets in ,"OH! It's NaNa's birthday and IIII am the grandmother and the Mother of his Mother so I am in trouble now because this is party day and I am still sipping coffee, talking to Cookie and OH! MY GOD! in my pajamas. The salad I was suppose to take is allmosstt finished, I won't wash my hair or shower, I'll just throw on these clothes I wore yesterday, grab the salad and GO. What time is it? 9:45! Just can't be. I jumped in the car. Threw the salad in the seat, drove off and at the first stop sign I slammed on the brakes and Woof the salad that was in the blue bowl was now all over the car floor. Ash I hate to tell you that you and your friends ate salad that had been all over the car floor....I did blow on each piece as I picked it up. I finally got to the party and it was so much fun and NaNa was so cute with all his friends...I felt so proud of you for being such a great Mommy, but now you know that some Mommies do fall a little Nathan would say ,"Rorry." Love,Mama

Carrie said...

Oh my gosh....I am dying laughing reading Mama's post!!!!!!! Ash, why in the world would you ever plan a party that early and expect Mom to be there on time?? Poor least next week's party starts at 4! Nathan, I can't wait to come to your party next weekend. We will have so much fun!
~Auntie Carrie