Saturday, September 30, 2017

Football and Babies

Nathan has started his flag football team and is in Heaven! He loves football so much and is so good at it! They won their first 2 games. They lost the third game but they were playing against a team that had not let any teams score against them. Nathan's team (the Patriots) scored against them right away and kept scoring but the other team did win. Nathan has been playing amazing. He gets so many touchdowns, pulls tons of flags, and takes it very seriously. It's so much fun to watch him play!
Nathan has football practice Mondays and Fridays so Charlotte has fun going to practice and playing with her babies. Sometimes Charlotte invites a friend to go with us. On this day, her best friend Adalynn came to practice. They were little mommies with their babies, stroller, diaper bag, and blankets! So cute! 

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