Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas 2017

Now that I'm working, I can't plan too far in advance. It's just day by day! In fact, I'm writing this post in July! I got a little behind. Usually we go see Santa and look at Christmas lights at the beginning or middle of December. This year we did it all the weekend before, ha! I took Nathan and Charlotte the day after we got out for Christmas break. One good thing was that the line was pretty much non-existant...everyone else already saw Santa. The bad thing is that we had a crazy day. I wasn't sure if the line would be long or not so I told them they could bring their ipads to keep them occupied while we waited. Well, we zipped through the line and then wanted to spend time eating lunch, walking around the mall, and doing a little shopping. We didn't want to lug the ipads around so I suggested we run them back out to the car. It was raining but they didn't care. We ran to the car, put the ipads in and ran back. We were wet but not completely soaked. We then headed to the food court for lunch. Halfway there, Nathan was uncomfortable because his socks were wet, so we stopped and took our socks off then kept going. After we ordered lunch, I realized what I thought was my purse was a bag with some things I wanted to return. Where's my purse?! I panicked thinking I set it down when we were taking our shoes off. So we ran back through the mall to the spot we were at. No purse. Then I thought maybe I left it in the car when we put the ipads up. By this time, it was POURING! So I told Nathan and Charlotte to just wait right by the door while I ran out to check (it wasn't far). I was just praying the whole time it was there. When I first looked in, I didn't see it, but after searching a bit more, I found it. PHEWWW!!! It had fallen under the seat. I was so mad at myself but so relieved! I ran back in and now I was soaked, but I didn't care. I was just so happy! So we went back halfway across the mall for our lunch. Then we got dessert because I was so happy I didn't leave my purse somewhere. I'm a little notorious for doing that :/

Later that weekend, we drove around looking at Christmas lights and took Rusty with us. Since he likes Starbucks, we all got a drink...including Rusty. He got a pupacino which is a lid full of whipped cream. 

On Christmas Eve, we went to the candlelight service at church with Helen and then came back to my house for dinner. Jen, Alexandra, Robert, Mama, Papa, and Grandmother all came over. Now off to bed to wait for Santa!!!

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