Friday, September 27, 2019


This year was Charlotte's first year to start Volleyball...her first sport ever! She has also started hip hop dance at well, so she is now more busy than Nathan! I was worried about whether she would like volleyball or not, but oh my goodness she loves it!!! She is on a team with a bunch of girls from school so she loves it. When they first started, it was a little painful to watch, not much of the ball going back and forth. But by the end of the 2nd season (fall and winter), she and the rest of the team improved so much! Charlotte's weakest area was serves and towards the end, she would get the max of 5 serves over the net! In fact, there was one game where she was the final server and it was tied for game point. She served and won the game! I have never seen her so happy. I wanted to cry because I knew how proud she felt. And in their winter season, they were the top team, made it to playoffs, and then won the championship! Charlotte did amazing and was so happy to get a medal. I also loved that several of the girls have brothers who are in the same class as Nathan. We're proud of you Charlotte!

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