Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pool Fun

During this time, I am even more thankful for our pool!!!! The neighborhood pools aren't opening which is really irritating a lot of the neighborhood. It doesn't bother us though because we have our own! It is such a great way for the kids to spend some time getting outside and having fun. We aren't doing any house playdates but we do let the kids invite a friend over once a week to swim and have an outdoor playdate. This has been a life saver for us!!! I love that Nathan and Charlotte still love to swim just the two of them even without a friend. The other day, Charlotte saw a You Tube (where she and Nathan get all of their information 😊) video about a life hack to keep your popsicle from dripping on you...put the popsicle stick through a cupcake holder! Genius! Nathan was so impressed!

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