Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nathan's First Day of School

Last week we went to Open House to see Nathan's classroom, meet his teachers, and meet the other kids. He loved that, but yesterday was his first day to go all by himself, and I was really nervous. I just want him to have fun and not be sad. We've been talking about going to "school" all week so when he woke up Tuesday morning, he was really excited! Daddy talked to him the night before and told him that if he was a big boy and didn't cry at church, Daddy would take him to Toys R Us to get "army guys." Nathan saw a little boy playing with them at the mall last week and has talked about them ever since :)

"Is today really the day?"

Mama made him his very own nap mat that is super soft and has a safari animal print. He LOVES it!

Nathan also got a new pair of tennis shoes to wear (they're required). When I first brought them home for him to try on, he didn't want to take them off. He runs like crazy in them so I guess they're a hit.

And Auntie Carrie gave him a new backpack that has his name monogrammed on it. It is so cute because it's a smaller version of a real backpack but still kind of big on him :)

Plus, Mommy and Daddy got him this Thomas the Train lunch box. I can't believe how much gear we have to have for one day a week and five hours!

"Let's go already!"

Doesn't he look cute wearing his big boy backpack?

"I'm not going to cry Mommy...I'm going to be a big boy so I can get army guys...I promise I'm not nervous...I'm smiling...really I am"
Well, Nathan was acting so excited on our way to church. When we pulled into the parking lot, he said "Let's go Mommy!" I put his backpack on and he walked and galloped up the sidewalk. Even though he was so happy then, I was preparing myself for when we got to the actual classroom door. I knew he was going to cry and not want me to leave.
So we get to the door and put his stuff in the bin outside his room that has his name on it. Nathan had his hand on my leg the whole time. Then as I was signing in, I felt him let go and saw him walk right into the room and start playing! I was in total shock! I thought we were going to have this long, tear filled goodbye with me reassuring him that I'd be back soon. Nope, he was totally happy! So I went home and made good use of my time. I cleaned the house and then laid on the couch and caught up on my reality shows :)
When I went to pick Nathan up, he was still asleep on his nap mat...I can't believe he even took a nap there! The teachers told me he ate all of his lunch and was really sweet. The only time he cried was when they were going to the playground, and he saw a woman that looked like me. He jumped out of line and ran to her yelling Mommy :( They said it took 15 minutes to calm him down after that. Anyway, let's hope next week is just as good!


Anonymous said...

Mama and Papa are so proud of you Nathan. You are a big boy and especially with all that gear. Just like Cookie when she goes to Rover Resort...for dogs...she doesn't cry and she just walks right in and is ready to play with her friends. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie

Carrie said...

Oh my are such a cutie! I'm so glad you had fun at school. I bet your teachers fell in love with you! I know you had the cutest nap mat of all the kids, too!

Auntie Carrie