Monday, March 23, 2009

Addicted to Dumbo

Last week Nathan had a cold, was teething, wasn't eating, and was just in an overall BAD mood. This is so unlike Nathan! If something didn't go his way, he would throw himself down on the ground and have a fit. I tried to ignore him most of the time, tried time out, tried EVERYTHING! The one thing I found that made him happy and made him forget that he wasn't feeling well was Dumbo. I really do try to limit his TV time, but last week was a huge exception. I won't even try to guess how many times we watched it, but at least it gave us both some peace. As long has Nathan had Doggie, Blankie, and "Bumbo," life was good!

"Doggie, I'm thinking your ears are a bit like Bumbo's"

"Look Mommy, this is my favorite part!"

"Why can't Dumbo just be with his Mommy?"

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