Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Day at the Park

Last Sunday was another beautiful day (I can't believe I'm a week behind in my blogging!) so after church, we ate lunch at The Original Pancake House, then went home to change clothes and headed to the park. It's so strange to look at these pictures with Nathan wearing shorts, blue skies, and the sun shining. This last week has been: miserable, raining, cold...did I mention MISERABLE?! We've been cooped up all week so we're hoping next week is pretty again. Anyway, sorry for the "Debbie Downer" moment. Here are a few of our pictures:

Nathan with his best friend, "Dog."

"On guard to anyone passing by. I have a big stick!"

Nathan is never interested in the little sticks, only the great big huge ones that are hard to hold, covered with dirt, and very scary to anyone near him.

If I were a responsible mother, I'd probably tell him to throw that stick down, but look how much fun he's having! It's like he's so proud to have found the very best stick at the park.

Plus it seems to help him find his way :)

After we played on the playground for a while, we took a walk on the trails, which is here Nathan found his stick. Of course, when we first pulled into the parking lot, Nathan just HAD to have his dog come with him. Dog did swing and go on the slides with Nathan, but once we started walking and he found this stick, poor Dog was old news.

"Don't worry Dog, you're still my best friend. In fact, I actually picked up this stick thinking you might want to play with it. I did it for you."
Sure Nathan, sure.

Nathan, as soon as it's pretty outside again, the park is the first place we'll go!!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Nate, when you come to visit me, we'll go to the park to play!
Auntie Carrie