Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Trip to Houston Day 2

Nathan slept so well and woke up calling for Robbie and Allie. When I finally got up, I found Robert, Mama, and Jennifer making us a big breakfast of pancakes, orange juice, and sausage.

Nathan was available for taste tests!
After breakfast, we found that it was extremely windy and SO COLD outside! But that didn't matter to Alexandra, Robert, and Nathan. We got bundled up and played outside with Sadie for a while.

"Come on Auntie Carrie, I'll catch you!"

"I like your blankies Robert, do you like mine?"
After playing outside, and taking a quick trip to the park, we went out to lunch. Then Robert went to a Cub Scouts meeting and to a birthday party. Alexandra, Mom, Carrie, Nathan, and I did a little shopping and then went home to relax. As you'll see in the next 3 pictures, a certain someone was wiped out!

Nathan crawled into Mama's lap and fell right to sleep as she sang to him. It was the sweetest thing ever! I was upstairs playing with Alexandra and Robert, when Carrie came up to show me the pictures she took.

Wayne and I have been wanting to get Nathan a comfy chair for him to sit in, but now I'm thinking why not just get him a dog bed? He crawled in with Sadie constantly! We really had so much fun last weekend. I know Nathan was sad to leave his cousins, aunt, and favorite dog, but at least he had Dumbo to look forward to on the ride home!


Ashley Hall said...

Nathan is too cute! So glad I found your blog off of Lindsey's. Great pics!

Anonymous said...

We were so tired. We just plopped down in front of the window to look at the birdies and next thing I knew Nathan was asleep. You look so sweet with blankie. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie