Charlotte and Skylar: these two will always be friends. Even when they haven't seen each other in a while, they pick right back up where they left off. They never argue and spend the whole time just laughing and laughing. I heard them talking about how they are really just like sisters. Love them so much.
Charlotte and Adalynn: They have been friends since Kindergarten. They love to do everything together! And Charlotte just adores Grady, Adalynn's little brother. I'm pretty sure Grady feels the same way! He gets so excited when Charlotte comes over to play with Adalynn, but then he wants to take her over. She is so sweet to him. Charlotte started at a new gymnastics place, and then Adalynn joined too. They are all about gymnastics right now! Charlotte bought some gymnastics equipment using some of her money, and then Adalynn did the same! They both have a balance beam and a bar. Charlotte practices her skills ALL THE TIME!