Sunday, March 31, 2019

Night Wolves Soccer

Nathan has played with this same soccer team for a few years now. He and his best friend Drew are on the team together. Its not the most competitive group, but both Nathan and Drew said they only want to stay on this team because they like the other boys so much and their coach. It really surprises me how Drews mom and I signed up with a random team, but the boys all just completely clicked! And their coach is so positive and caring. His wife and older daughter Laura also helps with the team. I just love how it really feels like a family. Nathan usually take turns playing goalie, but really Nathan is the best at it. It's amazing to watch him because he isn't scared to dive for the ball and always makes amazing blocks. He can also kick the ball back halfway across the field. Just like in football, everyone always comments about how great he is!

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