Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Every holiday is special, but Christmas is the best! Nathan and Charlotte are always so happy when Melf and his group of friends show up. We started out with just Melf then the kids wanted Melf to have a reindeer pet so Santa gave Rolo to Melf. Then a couple of years ago, Nathan and Charlotte got two more little stuffed animals from Santa: Muffin the Reindeer and Pepper the Penguin. They wrote a note to Santa and Melf asking to make them magical for Melf. Santa did so we have four little people moving each night for the kids to find. Anyway, Melf always brings the kids powdered donuts and chocolate milk and pajamas when he first arrives. They were so excited to get onesies for their pajamas! Melf did have a little accident this year. He moved to the dining room chandelier. Well I forgot he was there and turned the lights on to clean up. A little while later, it smelled like something was burning. Wayne and I looked around but couldn't find anything. Then the smell got stronger. We were going all over the house trying to find out where it was coming from. I smelled it pretty strongly upstairs so was scared something was burning in one of their rooms. Wayne was about to go up in the attic to see if it had to do with the pilot light. Then I saw smoke from the stairs and was really freaking out. I followed it to the dining room and saw poor melf smoking and smoldering! The lights were burning up his arm, so sad! I had to grab him with gloves so I didn't take away his magic and put him in the sink under water. His arm completely burned off and so did the little rubber bracelet on his hand. We carefully bandaged him up. Nathan and Charlotte were worried he wouldn't be ok and wouldn't move to different spots anymore. But the next morning he moved along with his pack of friends, and he left a note saying he was ok. We were all so relieved! And the house was finally finished!!!! Merry Christmas!

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