Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Nathan has been so excited for Middle School Football to start! He made the A team. He played wide receiver and cornerback. Learning to tackle was a bit of a challenge for Nathan but he and Wayne practiced a lot. Nathan was on the team with all of his friends. Drew, his best friend, was the quarterback. During the season, Nathan made lots of good tackles, blocks, and lots of great catches. He even caught a long pass from Drew for his first touchdown! He made another touchdown during the season and lots of 2 point conversions. It was a bit of an adjustment. He's coming from playing flag football with his previous team where he was the star. He handled it well though. He knew he wasn't going to get the ball all the time and that it wouldn't be like flag, but he still said he was having fun and he loved it. In the end, that's all I cared about, that he was having fun. Mama and Papa came to lots of his games...some of which were FREEZING!!! It was worth it though to cheer on our little athlete!



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