Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happpy 14th Birthday Charlotte

Charlotte always gets so excited about her birthday parties! Of course she wanted a sleepover and she decided her theme would be groovy disco. She decided to make the upstairs room the disco room. We went to my school and made a sign and then bought all the decorations on Amazon. I am so proud of Charlotte because she totally took control and did all the decorating and setting up. The girls swam, painted surprise portraits of each other (which was hilarious because they drew names and didn't tell each other who they were paiting), they also made their own soft drinks by adding flavored syrup, and then just stayed up watching movies and laughing all night. Happy Birthday! Oh and on her actual birthday, I was gone at Robert's college graduation so Wayne took Charlotte to the mall and around town to get all of her free birthday goodies, so cute!


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