Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Charlotte's New Room Remodel

While Charlotte was at Pine Cove, I remodeled her room. It was a huge task but she really wanted it done. Auntie Carrie came down the weekend before and helped me and her clean out her room. I swear I couldn't have done this without her help! Charlotte had a lot to get rid of and organized, and Carrie was so sweet to Charlotte in helping her. We already picked out the paint color: Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams. Then we picked out all of the new additions for her room: rug, wall art, new bedding, a few decorative items, and a new dresser that I was so lucky to find on Market Place. I had been searching for one for several weeks. I found this one on Market place for $40! It was in Highland Park so Wayne drove down to pick it up. It was perfect! I ordered new drawer pulls, and I couldn't believe how great it looked.   Everything got delivered the week she was gone. I got started the very next day! It took me all week to finish but when I did, I was so proud. And when Wayne saw it, he couldn't believe how good it looked! The best part was when Charlotte came home. She was SHOCKED! I felt so proud and so happy for her. The only thing she didn't absolutely love was the decorations on her wall shelves. So we went shopping the next day and bought some things to redo it. It was fun to have her be part of that, and she picked out the perfect pieces! I'm happy to say she has kept it clean and picked up!


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