Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Last night was a rough night. I've always been so proud of what a good sleeper Nathan is. He takes 2 1/2 hour naps (sometimes 3) and goes to bed each night at 8:00 and sleeps until 7:00 or 7:30 the next morning. During the last two weeks, there have been a few nights that he has woken up in the middle of the night. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep on his own, other times I'll go rock him for a few minutes and then he's back to sleep.

Well, last night, Nathan woke up calling for me. I was so tired, so I thought I'd hurry up and rock him so that I could get back to sleep. He let me rock him, but each time I put him down, he started crying again. We did this several times, each time, I thought I'd rock him a little longer to make sure he was really asleep, but he never went to sleep! He was just laying in my arms, with his eyes wide awake and talking to me. I tried laying down next to his bed rubbing his back, but then he'd peek over and say, "Hi Mommy!" while handing me his blankie and pillow. After an hour and a half of this, I thought I'd fix him some milk...surely he's tired by now. NOPE! All he wanted to do was talk and play. But when I left his room, he'd cry uncontrollably (which I'm not used to) I even resorted to laying in his baby bed with him! Finally, at 5:00 am I said let's go watch TV. "O tay!" So while Nathan watched Noggin, I cat napped on the couch. He stayed awake the whole morning and was in the best mood when Wayne woke up and started getting ready for work.

After Wayne left for work, I was talking on the phone and putting away dishes while Nathan played. It was suddenly really quiet and this is what I found...

Nathan finally passed out at 9:15! I took him to his bed and quickly crawled into mine. The two of us slept until 12:00 which was nice. I honestly don't know what the deal was last night, but I did not let him go back to sleep the rest of the day and even took him to the park before dinner to really wear him out. Let's hope we have a full night's sleep tonight!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Look at my sweet little baby boy!!!! That is the funniest thing ever! Poor little guy. I love how his legs are crossed, too. So....did he sleep well last night????