Friday, January 14, 2011

8 Months Old

Charlotte turned 8 months old on the you can see in the first picture, she is a VERY healthy girl! She weighs 19 lbs now! Charlotte is a big talker these days. She babbles all the time. Wayne and I both think we hear her saying Ma-Ma and Da-Da...Nathan thinks he hears Nay-Nay :) She isn't crawling yet, but she can certainly get around by scooting on her bottom. This is so funny to me because that is exactly what Nathan did before he crawled! When I was looking back at the blog from when Nathan was 8 months old, I found that he was pulling up already. Charlotte can stand if she holds onto our hands, but isn't pulling up on her own yet. She is just a very relaxed little girl and is perfectly happy watching everything going on!

I took a lot of pictures of her on this day because Nathan was playing at Grandmother's house so we had lots of "uninterrupted" time :)

These next pictures are of Charlotte in a new outfit that my mom made for her! She even made her bow! I think she looks so adorable!

Poor Baby Charlotte was trying to pull off her hat and the elastic snapped on her.

And here are two videos showing how she gets around. In the first one, you can see how she tries to go forward but ends up pushing herself backwards...and that is very frustrating when you're trying to get something!

And here is Nathan cheering his sister on while she scoots!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Baby Charlotte, I just want to squeeze and kiss all of that yummy fatness!!!! Mom, I think you need to go into business! I love her outfit....sooooooo cute!