Sunday, March 6, 2011

10 Months Old

Charlotte is 10 months old on Wednesday, but Daddy, Nathan, and I will be in Disney World so we did our monthly b-day pictures today. Today's photo shoot was a bit of a challenge. I couldn't get all of the elements right at the same time: Charlotte smiling, numbers staying stuck to party hat, and dress pulled down. And yes, she's holding a Carter's tag that she found on the floor. Whenever I tried to take it away, she threw herself backwards and cried, so she got to keep it for the pictures :)

As of now, Charlotte is sleeping through the night...finally! I actually feel tired now because I'm getting more sleep than I'm used to! She is crawling and scooting all over the place. She just started waving by opening and closing her hand. When she does this, she stares and smiles at her hand like it is doing the coolest thing ever! She eats really well now and loves all of her baby food (even peas...she used to gag when she ate these). Charlotte can pick up and eat puffs and Cheerios (if big brother doesn't steal them from her). But her favorite snack isn't even a food...if there is paper anywhere close to her, she can sniff it out! she will have it in her mouth in no time! I have caught her trying to chew on and eat magazine pages, receipts, wipes (wipes are her favorite), tags from clothes. She was actually trying to eat paper before Cheerios!

She is also getting her top two teeth in...they are right at the edge of the skin so they will probably break through in the next few days...while we're at Disney World! Sorry Mama and Papa to leave you with a teething baby :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Baby Charlotte, you are growing so fast! I had fun loving on you this past weekend. You are so sweet!