Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Riding a Bike

Nathan can now say he is an official 2-wheel bike rider! A few weeks ago, while Pearce was here, Nathan wanted to try to ride his bike. We really worked on Nathan trying to learn to ride his bike without training wheels months ago, but it never worked. So when Nathan wanted me to get his bike out, I figured he'd try it, fall, and that would be that. I knew we needed to teach him, but that Daddy would be the best one to do it. So I got his bike out, Nathan got on, and I gave him a little push in the alley. He rode it down the alley for quite a ways! He was very wobbly, but he stayed on. I was so proud and impressed. And Nathan absolutely couldn't believe it! He kept saying, "Oh my goodness Mommy! I just can't believe it, I can't believe it!" Well, he was hooked and wanted to keep trying. So we took the bike to the front and practiced on the street a bit. It was really hard for me to help him because I was having to help Nathan on the bike, watch for cars, and watch Pearce. I called Daddy and told him to hurry home from work so he could help Nathan. When Daddy got home, they practiced and practiced on the street, and by the 3rd time, Nathan was riding all the way down the street on his own. He was beyond proud of himself! It was like it just suddenly clicked! He did fall down a few times and got some scrapes, but he was just so happy that he could do it, that he really didn't get too upset. The next day, Pearce, Nathan, and I went to the school parking lot to practice. Nathan went all over that parking lot. Nathan is just like his Daddy where if he's going to try something, he wants to do it just right. He would get very frustrated at himself when he would fall. Nathan was determined to ride his bike around the parking lot and then up the ramp by the front door of the school and through a narrow corridor. I told him I didn't think that was the best idea right now while he is still learning to balance and steer. But he didn't want to hear that. It was kind of funny though because I am videotaping all of this and I got his frustration on tape! At one point, he tried to go around a bush and fell over into it. He was so mad! Nathan hopped off, took his helmet off, threw it down and kicked his bike while calling it stupid...he never says the "S" word, but he sure did this time. I just let him get frustrated while I filmed...it was really funny!

It's been two weeks and he was ridden his bike every day and is now really good on it. We have gone to the park trails and all over the neighborhood. What a big boy Nathan is!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Way to go Nathan!! I can't wait to see you in action!