Friday, December 8, 2017

Getting Ready for Christmas!

Once December 1st got here, so did Melf the Elf. This is the one thing they couldn't wait for! Melf isn't the most creative elf and can be a little lazy sometimes, but he does the best he can. I hear stories of other kids' elves doing all sorts of elaborate tricks and pranks on their family, but Melf is lucky if he just remembers to move to a different location each night! This year, Nathan and Charlotte did think that Melf needed a friend/pet so they begged me to let them get him a reindeer. That reindeer was $25!!! When you first buy him, you can hold him and play with him. Then once you leave him with your elf overnight, the elf gives him his magic and names him. Then you can't touch him anymore. Well, Nathan and Charlotte just knew Melf would be so happy to have a pet!!! They wrote notes to him all the time and put these notes in a book for him. And almost always, Melf and Rolo (what Melf named the reindeer) would write back. They also brought treats every once in a while. When they first came, they brought them new pajamas! Sometimes it was donuts, sometimes a candy treat, or a video on their ipads.  I always wonder how old Nathan will be before he stops believing. So far, he still hasn't asked us any questions and he's in 4th grade. He knows the reason for Christmas is Jesus's birthday, but he still hasn't asked me if Santa is real. When he does ask, we won't lie to him, but we'll let him know it's ok to make believe :)

December was very busy as always! We went to birthday parties, baked cookies with friends, shopped for Christmas presents, partied at school,...oh and Rusty got a cone, poor guy. He had a spot on his tail that he wouldn't leave alone and kept licking and biting on it. It got so raw and bald that we had to put a cone on him so he'd leave it alone. He hated that thing!!! He ran into walls and seemed uncomfortable, but he actually did better than we thought he would do with it. He never tried to get it off, he just wasn't good at maneuvering with it :) But thank goodness, his tail finally healed. 

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