Sunday, February 14, 2021


Snowmageddon happened to Texas! We knew it was going to snow but had no idea how much! We were out of school for a whole week! It was great and miserable at the same time. In total we got around 6 inches of snow. It was great for sledding and playing in the snow! There were kids at the school field every single day. They were sledding and rolling around in the snow. Nathan even went with one of her friends where they tied their sled to the a truck who took them all around the neighborhood. The bad part was that we found out that they were predicting a huge strain on the power grid. They said that they would have to do rolling blackouts to prevent anyone from permanently losing power. Well some people were extremely lucky and never lost any power. Even at the end of our neighborhood, they never lost power. Then some people were  kind of lucky by losing power for an hour, then on for 3 hours, off for  1 hour, on for 3. And then some got screwed like us. Our power went off for 8 hours, on for 2, off for 8 and so on. It got so bad because the temperature outside would get as low at 10 degrees! We were wearing our snow clothes inside. I was freezing at night and having to light candles. To keep from being bored and frozen to death, Wayne and I sat in my car in the driveway, turned the heat on and watched a movie on the DVD player. Nathan and Charlotte were living the life by staying with friends a few streets over who had power. You don't realize how much you need power until it's gone!!! When the power did come on for an hour or two, we jumped up and did everything that needed power: make a pot of coffee, cooked something in oven, dry some clothes, charge our phones. It was so funny! The other bad thing was that our pipes to our pool froze so it stopped running and the pool froze solid. Once it thawed, there was major damage to our equipment. We weren't able to get it all the way fixed until the end of May! We also had a ton of our shrubs/landscaping die. 

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