Monday, November 6, 2023

Charlotte's Basketball Season: 7th Grade

Charlotte decided she wanted to try out for the basketball team. She had never played basketball before in her life! But we all went to my school to practice every night before tryouts. Wayne and Nathan taught her to dribble and shoot. It was crazy that she was actually pretty good at it even though she had never played before. When it was time for tryouts, we prepared her to be ready for anything and not to be too upset if she didn't make it. She was always totally good with the idea of not making the team. But when she made it though the first round of cuts, we were all so happy for her, and she was too! I remember the final announcement of the team was going to be right after one of her cross country races at 5:00 pm. She finished the race and it was 4:45. I remember her wanting to go ahead and leave and not stay to talk to her friends...she wanted to find out the news by herself. We were driving home, and charlotte said "The coach sent the email!" We were on pins and needles as she checked her email and was looking for her ID number. It was there! She made the team! We were all laughing and so uncontrollably happy for her! Nathan was so proud :) She was on C team which made sense...we were just happy she made any team considering she had never played before. Well the season was crazy fun to watch. Charlotte was a maniac on the court! She had no fear and was so good!!! We did have one incident where she was knocked down and we thought she broke her arm or wrist. I was scared to death for her. She got an xray and it was just a sprain thank goodness. 


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