Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Charlotte's Cross Country Track Season: 7th Grade

 We were so proud of Charlotte and her athletic ability! She competed in all of the middle school sports and was actually so good cross country! Her races were always 1.5 miles, and Charlotte always finished in the top 10. She did so well! And I was impressed with how she practiced running outside of school practice. She'd go running at home and loved competing in the meets. One funny story is that at her very first meet, I was at the finish line filming her. When I saw her come around the last corner, she had to finish on the girl's side...the finish line was divided into a boys' lane and a girls' lane. She got a little confused about which lane to run through and had to switch which side she was going to...she got tripped up and fell right at the end, but got right back up and finished without anyone passing her. Afterwards, she was like "Oh my gosh, that was so embarrassing!" I was happy she could laugh about it and not get upset :)

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