Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Love Apples!

Bananas have always been Nathan's favorite snack. Well, he does still love "nanas" but he's recently branched out to eating apples. What's so funny is that he doesn't want me to cut up the apples. He wants to eat the WHOLE thing! The first time I gave him one, he only licked it, but on this day, he really dug in!

Since we're eating an apple for the first time, we also decided to try drinking water from a real cup instead of a sippy cup. I was so surprised that Nathan did a really good job and hardly spilled a drop!

"I know I'm a big boy now!"

I was so proud of Nathan for being so neat with his apple and cup of water. But then this happened...I assumed that the apple pieces Nathan was chewing on were actually being swallowed too (how silly of me), but after a while, Nathan opened his mouth and let half eaten apple pieces fall from his mouth.

The next day, Nathan wanted to try another apple. I spread out a towel on the couch to catch any pieces Nathan decided to spit out, but this time, he actually swallowed all of his bites. He even put the apple back on the plate next to him when he took a break. Oh and sorry about not having shorts on. We were getting ready to take a bath when the apple craving came.


Carrie said...

Nathan, I think you are absolutely the cutest, sweetest thing God ever made! Oh, and I'm glad you like apples, too.

~Auntie Carrie

Anonymous said...

Apples!! SOOOO good! Guess who likes to share guessed....COOKIE!! Can't wait to see you Na Na and give you a great big Mama hug and kiss. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie