Monday, September 7, 2009

Auntie Carrie

Auntie Carrie came to visit us over the Labor Day weekend. Nathan was so excited to see her AND Otis! Carrie is starting a costly tradition with Nathan though. Each time she comes to visit, she brings him a present. He's pretty smart and is now associating Auntie Carrie with toys! Here is his newest possession...

Nathan has his very own car bean bag chair! It's perfect to sit on and watch his new favorite show...Wow Wow Wubzy

Nathan had a case of the sniffles, and let Auntie Carrie wipe his nose. He thrashes around when I try to do it!

"Otis, we need to wipe your nose too...and the drool that is coming out of your mouth."

Nathan loves to go for walks on the sidewalk, so he brought Carrie his shoes and said, "Om on Chee!"

I wasn't invited on this walk. Nathan said, "Bye Bye Mommy" and off he went. But after their walk around the block, I snuck onto the sidewalk and got some pictures of him "racing."

We had so much fun together, and I'm pretty sure that Nathan would love to keep Otis as a present too! Here are some videos of Nathan taking care of him...and partly choking him as he tries to take him on a walk :) They are best buddies!


Carrie said...

A whole blog about two of my favorite people...Nathan and Otis! Nathan, Otis loves you so much. Thank you for being his little buddy!

~Auntie Carrie

Carrie said...

Oh, and I'm so glad you like your bean bag chair! Hmmm.....what should I bring you next?????