Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nathan's New Pet

On Sunday morning, the three of us were relaxing at the house when Daddy said, "Who wants to go to the pet store?" WHAT?! It was Daddy's idea to take Nathan to the pet store to get him a pet fish! Nathan was really excited, so we quickly got dressed and headed to Pet Smart. Nathan loves going there to look at all of the animals, but we've never come home with one :) We showed him the section that had Beta Fish (I've heard that these are the easiest to take care of). We let him pick out which one he wanted, and then got all of the supplies. Nathan was such a big boy! After picking out his fish and looking at all of the other animals, we brought him home.

Nathan helped Daddy fill the jar with gravel.

Here he is trying to pet his fish :)

And then he fed his little fish :)

We told Nathan we had to pick out a name for him. Nathan thought about it for a while and came up with Nemo, then he changed his mind and said, "How 'bout Dorie?" Dorie is the girl fish from Finding Nemo. We told him that was a good name, but this fish is a boy...can you think of a boy name? Nathan thought a little longer and said, "How 'bout Sharkey?" Sharkey it is!

Right now Sharkey is sitting on our kitchen table so that Nathan can eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him. He knows to feed him at breakfast and dinner time and even reminds me! During the day, I've found Nathan going to the kitchen table on his own to sit and visit with Sharkey. He'll even take toys over to show him! It's so cute to see him having his own conversation with him :) Let's just hope Sharkey doesn't end up like all of the other fish I've ever had!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Nathan, I love Sharkey! I know he is so happy to be at your house. Don't forget to feed him every day. My kids at school have a beta fish. His name is Fudgeball...don't ask me why! My kids love Fudgeball. I can't wait to meet Sharkey in a few weeks!
~Auntie Carrie