Monday, September 13, 2010

Charlotte is 4 Months Old

Charlotte Rose is already 4 months old! She is such a happy baby and smiles and laughs all the time. She really loves to laugh at Nathan. It makes Wayne and I so happy to watch the two of them interact with each other! Nathan and I took Charlotte to her 4 month check-up this morning. She weighs 14 lbs, 12 oz (75%) and is 24.3 inches long (75%). Nathan was such a good big brother to her and held her hand when she got her two shots. He kept saying, "It's OK little baby, they won't hurt." And then when Charlotte started crying after the shots, Nathan looked at the nurse and said, "Awwwwww, they did hurt her." It was like he felt bad that he just told her something that wasn't true :) Nathan loves going with Charlotte to the doctor and always pulls up a stool to stand on to watch everything that the doctor does.

Charlotte is now going to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 and usually sleeps a full 12 hours unless I have to wake her up early to take Nathan somewhere. She also takes 3 good naps during the day. Right now she is still sleeping in her bassinet, but we're wanting to move her to her crib. I have been putting this off because I worried that she would wake Nathan up if she woke up during the night or early in the morning, but she's such a good sleeper that I don't think that would happen. Then I started worrying that she wouldn't like her crib as much as she likes her bassinet, but we've got to make the switch sooner or later. Maybe this week will be the week :)

Here are Charlotte's 4 month birthday pictures in the hat that Marla made her and the dress my mom made.

Look at those chubby arms and legs! I love to squeeze her fat rolls! We keep joking that she's a fat, happy baby, and now Nathan will say, "Hi fat baby! Can you smile for me?" or "Look at that fat baby. She's so sweet." He says it in such an adoring way that it makes me laugh every time. I hope we don't give her a complex :)


Carrie said...

Charlotte looks so cute!! I love the dress mom made. I can't wait to squeeze and kiss that fat baby! Nathan, you are such a good big brother. Your baby Charlotte loves you!

Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

She is such a little chub! So, so sweet! I hope we can see her soon.