Wednesday, February 16, 2011

9 Months Old

Charlotte is 9 months old! We went for her check up at the doctor, and she weighs 18 lbs, 11 oz (50%) and is 27.3 inches tall (50%). She got a great report and is right on track with all of her developmental milestones. Charlotte isn't crawling all the way yet, but she is almost there. I think within the next WEEK, she'll have it! She can get around by scooting on her bottom, but now, she scoots a little and then goes forward onto all fours and moves one knee to push herself forward. Last week, when she got on her stomach, she would just lay flat and push herself backwards. And she can now get herself into a sitting position from laying on her stomach. So I know crawling will happen any day now! Charlotte likes to stand when we hold her hands, but she isn't pulling herself up on her own yet.

Those are the positives, but there are two negatives this month: Not sleeping through the night and wanting Mommy to hold her ALL THE TIME! And these are two very tiring negatives. I'm going to have to get tough with the sleeping. No more feeding her in the middle of the night (even though this is an easy way to get her to go right back to sleep) and I've got to teach her to fall asleep on her own in the beginning (not nursing her to sleep). It's going to be so exhausting to do this though! But I've got to...I'll start it next week :)

Happy Nine Month Birthday!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Heath and Adriana Stacey said...

You can do it Ash! You know she will cry some, but you need your rest to be the best mommy you can be!!!
She's so precious. I hope to make it to Dallas soon to see you all.
I can't believe she is more than two pounds bigger than MV. I guess starting out at four pounds is the problem :).
Love you.

Carrie said...

Get tough Ash...ha! I love Charlotte's cute top. If she is in the 50th percentile for weight, does that mean she's still fat? I don't want her to lose all of those yummy fat rolls!

Anonymous said...

Look at our big girl. Are you kinda tired of the birthday hat? With those jeans you are ready to go hiking with Papa and Mama and Cookie. Love you sweet baby girl