Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Superman Pajamas

Nathan is going through a phase where he LOVES super heroes! Superman, Spiderman, Batman, The Incredible Hulk, and more...he and his daddy watch the cartoons all the time, and they love to wrestle while pretending to be one of the superheroes. For a while, Nathan was perfectly happy having a hand towel safety pinned around his neck for a cape. Well, while I was at Target the other day, I found these Superman pajamas and knew Nathan would love them, especially because they come with a real cape! We've had them less than a week and so far, he's worn them every night!


Anonymous said...

The other night when you spent the night with us, we found your Superman P.J.'s and when you put them on you were flying all over the house and Cookie was trying to fly too. Let's make her a cape. Love, Mama and Papa

Carrie said...

Sooo cool! Nathan, now you can REALLY save the world!