Saturday, February 19, 2011

Charlotte is Crawling!

Charlotte started crawling two days ago! I knew it was going to be any day now that she started, but I was still so surprised to actually see her first crawl! Nathan, Charlotte, and I were playing upstairs Thursday night waiting for Wayne to get home (he had been out of town on business since Monday night). Nathan got out some blocks and made a huge tower. Well, Charlotte really wanted that tower! She started bouncing on her bottom and then went onto her stomach and all fours...she's done this before though. But this time, she moved her knee and then drug her other foot. She actually went forward! Nathan started cheering for her and yelling, "She's crawling! She's crawling!" She ended up getting herself to the blocks!

When Daddy got home, both Nathan and Charlotte were beyond excited! I told Wayne that she just crawled an hour ago so after giving her some hugs and kisses, we put her on the floor in our room. She was so excited to get to Daddy that she bounced so excitedly on her bottom and then just went forward and crawled all the way across the room to Daddy! He was so proud of his little girl! Here are some pictures...she claps for herself at the end :)

I forgot to write in the last post about Charlotte's other milestones. We can now add crawling to the list. She has also said her first word, "Hi" She started saying it last month every once in a while, but now says it all of the time. When we were at Nathan's baseball practice, she kept saying hi to the mom next to me. Charlotte also claps when you tell her to or when she's excited about something. And Nathan taught her to make the noise where you cover your mouth and move your hand back and forth. She uses the back of her hand :) She also LOVES to pinch skin and run it between her fingers! This is her "loving" thing to do because she only does it when I'm feeding or rocking her. It would be sweet if it didn't hurt! And her favorite game is the "Thank You" game. She loves to hand things to you. When I say "Thank you!" She just smiles and finds something else to give me. It's a great way to have her help me clean up toys!


Carrie said...

YAY!!!! Good girl! Now Nathan is going to have to hide all of his toys from her! Ash, you thought you had your hands full before....ha!

Anonymous said...

Our baby girl is crawling! Now you can crawl under Cookie like Nathan use to do. I want to just pick you up and give you a big hug! Love, Mama and Papa