Thursday, April 21, 2011

11 Months Old

How is my baby almost One?! She is such a sweet little girl! This is what she's up to this month:

She is all over the place, crawling and scooting on her bottom. She pulls up on anything and everything, and has already had 2 fat lips from losing hitting her chin on a surface and biting her top lip. Once she hit both sides of her top lip with her teeth, and it looked like she had collagen injections in her top lip! Her top two teeth are pretty much in with a space between them...that's from my side of the family :) She and Nathan love to play chase. Nathan runs around pretending that the "Baby Monster" is going to get him, and she crawls as fast as she can after him. It is the funniest thing to watch because she will put her head down and crawl like she's in a race. Charlotte loves to eat and can have pretty much anything. I really haven't found anything she doesn't like yet. She is definitely Mommy's little shadow. She wants to be with or near me ALL the time. I think this is why her sleeping is still an issue. She goes to bed really easily at night but then usually wakes up in the middle of the night. She will go back to sleep if I feed her or just rock her. Usually I do both, but then when I lay her back down, she will hold onto my finger or part of my hand and I have to gently and gradually pull it away so she doesn't realize I'm leaving. And I have to be SUPER quiet...if she hears my the slightest little creak, she sits up and cries like I'm leaving her forever. This is such a hard thing to deal with because on one hand, I don't want her to feel sad or "cry it out" for an hour, but on the other hand, Mommy gets very tired! Half the time, it's just easier if I let her sleep with me, which I know is a bad habit, but I'm desperate for sleep. The good part is that Miss Charlotte is the best snuggler. As long as I'm with her, she is completely content and will sleep all night and even late into the morning! She usually gets as close to me as she can and will wrap her sweet little arms around my neck. It really is the sweetest thing!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Charlotte, how in the world are you almost a year old??? I remember the first time I held you and you were so tiny. Now look at you! You are the sweetest, happiest, cuddliest baby ever. I love you!!!