Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Class Parties

Wednesday (Halloween), was Pajama Day at school and class parties. It was a busy day because I had to go to both Charlotte and Nathan's parties. Charlotte's was in the morning and Nathan's was in the afternoon.  Charlotte's room was so funny. The kids were all very quiet. I think they were a little intimidated by having all of these other mommies there! I signed up to host the party so I first read them a story. Charlotte and her five friends sat around the table and hardly said a word as I read. I was trying to be really animated and make it fun, but I felt like I was at a comedy improv show and no one liked my jokes :) After a while, they started to loosen up...a little bit. After I read the story, I passed out a pumpkin to each of them, and they made a face with the stickers. We also had a snack of pumpkin bread (which none of them ate). The "party" lasted a whopping 15 minutes! When it was time to leave, Charlotte didn't want me to go. She didn't cry, but she did keep hugging and kissing me. Finally, I gave her one last hug and then Mrs. Shelley came over and held her. I love Mrs. Shelley! I went home and rested for a couple of hours and then headed back to the school for Nathan's party. 

Nathan's party was quite different. All of the kids were so excited and wound up. I've gotten to know most of the kids in Nathan's class, and they are a really good group. I love to see Nathan interact with all of them. What makes me so happy is not only does Nathan have fun with his classmates, but it is so obvious that his friends all like him too! They all laugh at him, and I've had several moms tell me that Nathan is one that their kids talk about often. 

First, the kids made a furry spider out of pipe cleaners, and then they decorated a pumpkin cookie and drank a "mummy" juice box. Oh and at the end of the party, Nathan's teachers had all of the kids who were dressed in glow-in-the-dark pajamas stand in a line with the lights turned out so we could see them. Everyone had so much fun. Now it's time to go home and get ready for Trick or Treating

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So cute! I can just picture you reading to Charlotte's class..haha!