Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick or Treat

The night has finally arrived, Halloween!! My Spider-Man and Princess were so cute! Nathan couldn't wait to come home and get his costume on. After we got all dressed up, we waited for the Stanleys and Gierkeys to come over. Nathan and Charlotte loved sitting out on the front steps watching all of the other kids playing outside and getting ready to trick or treat. When Jake and Lauren's families got here, all of the kids played together in the backyard and took turns answering the door for trick or treaters. We ate BBQ and then at 7:00 pm, got ready to go out ourselves. The daddies loaded the coolers with beer and off we went. I just love my neighborhood because there were so many families out and about! I almost felt like I was in a movie. Nathan, Jake, and Trevor stuck together going (I mean running) from house to house. And Lauren and Charlotte worked as a team. Sometimes the two girls would go up together to the house. Other times, Lauren would just go to the house, get two pieces of candy, and bring one back to Charlotte. Charlotte had fun trick or treating, but after getting about five pieces of candy, she was happy just sitting in her stroller eating it. 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

So fun! I can't believe Nathan still has the bucket I gave him....kinda forgot about that! I loved Charlotte's, too!