Monday, May 26, 2014

Super Citizen Award

Each nine weeks, the teachers choose 2 kids from each class and each grade to get the Super Citizen Award. During the last nine weeks, Nathan was chosen. His teachers sent me an email but told me that it was a surprise. So on Monday morning, we told Nathan we were going to his school for a PTA meeting. He had no idea! What was neat was that the award was duing the Wolf Call Assembly which is with with whole school! They did some announcements first and then got into the awards. Nathan was the first name called, and when they said it, he was sitting down and started looking around him like maybe they meant another Nathan. When he stood up with his certificate, he was so proud of himself! He kept smiling at us, and we could tell he was so happy. His teachers told me they choose the kids based on academics and character. They said he has done exceptional with his reading and Spanish, and is always so nice to his friends. Mommy, Daddy, and Charlotte were very proud of him.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Way to go Nay Nay!!!