Thursday, June 19, 2014

Baseball Hero

Nathan's baseball team, The Hawks, are so cute but not the best baseball team. They have so much fun though! They've already had lots of games and have won 1.  We are kind of used to losing but they have really improved. And Nathan always hits the ball. Anyway, last week, they were playing a team that was more on their level so it was a really fun game. Both teams were able to really use their skills. Nathan even hit a home run! It was such a close game that all the moms were a nervous wreck! So it was the last inning, score was tied, 2 outs and Nathan was on third...we just needed one run to win. Nathan's friend hit the ball which didn't go very far, and Nathan ran as fast as he could!!! I was so scared he was going to get out, but he made it to home plate and scored the winning run! Everyone jumped our if their seats and cheered for him. I felt like crying! All the coaches gave him high fives and he was one happy boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEA!! SPEEDY!! I know that was exciting to score the winning run. Love, Mama and Papa