Saturday, April 16, 2016

St Andrew Spring Fling

Charlotte's school had a spring fling with games, train rides, face painting, and food. Charlotte loves her school and her friends and couldn't wait to go! Her teacher was one of the face painters so Charlotte wanted to get there early to have Miss Amy do her face before there was a long line. And whenever she saw one of her friends, she ran over and gave them a hug. She and the girls did everything together. It is so sweet to see how much they all love being together. 

And Nathan had a friend too...Olivia is Elizabeth's older sister and Charlotte and elizabeth were in school together for two years. Elizabeth went on to kindergarten but they are still so happy to see each other. Olivia is in 2nd grade like Nathan and her mom always tells me that Olivia thinks Nathan is so nice and funny. They were cute to watch too because the two of them stuck together the whole time! I watched them walking from game to game just laughing and talking and they even ate together! And as I was following Charlotte and her friends around, I saw Nathan get a bottle water and take it to Olivia...he can really turn on the charm when he wants to! 

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