Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

This year, Charlotte knew exactly what she wanted to be...an angel! How fitting!!! Nathan struggled a little with his costume choice. He's at the age where he kind of cares what his friends think. He still loves super heroes and playing with his action figures, but he doesn't necessarily want everyone to know that. He's still our sweet little Nay Nay!!! He really wanted to be Spiderman, but he was that last year. And he still likes to dress up in his old costume, but he was afraid if he chose to be a "character" his friends might make fun of him for being too babyish. Some of his friends last year dressed up scary and gory, and I never really liked that. But I told him if he wanted to be something scary, he could. We went to the Halloween store to look at everything, and the scary stuff creeped him out. Like I said, he's still my sweet Nay Nay who is scared of the dark :) So he decided to go with something completely silly...a horse head!But he didn't want to dress up like a horse. He wanted to wear his football uniform! Was there any hidden meaning or reasoning to it? No, he was just a football player wearing a horse head. Okey dokey! So we met at Nathan's friend Jaxon's house who lives in the neighborhood. His friends Aiden and Drew came too and we all trick or treated together. Jaxon has a little sister named Alessandra who is 2 and obsessed with Charlotte. So the two of them were buddies.

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