Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lake Fun

We always have fun at the lake! This was the first time we had been back since March right before the pandemic started. We have been very careful with mom and dad, making sure we stay 6ft apart and wear our masks. I kept the kids pretty much home for 2 weeks before we went just to be sure we were all germ free. I have to tell you, it was wonderful to be in the same house as them and give hugs and kisses, but I was also worried to death the whole time! Mama and Charlotte can't help themselves. They hugged and kissed and snuggled. But my mom told me to stop worrying and that she can't go this long without hugging me and especially the kids. I finally relaxed, but after we got home, I kept checking on them for 2 weeks, lol! Annie missed Nathan and Charlotte and had so much fun being with them, swimming, tubing, and just laying around on them. Of course, we always have lots of snacks and goodies at the lake, along with lots of good food! You never go hungry there!

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