Saturday, December 1, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

We had a very exciting Saturday morning. It was Nathan's first time to see Santa Claus! My neighbor Alison and her mom invited Nathan and I to "Breakfast with Santa" at Neiman Marcus. Lauren is Alison's daughter and is just a week and a day older than Nate. Breakfast was delicious and both babies used their best manners...although Nathan did spit up a few times...and Lauren fell asleep at the table, but they're babies, what can you expect?!

We had to start out the morning with a bib so that Nathan wouldn't spit up on his sweater. At least his sweater was white!

Here is Ellen (Alison's mom), Alison and precious Lauren. Lauren was too excited to pose for the picture :)
Mommy and Nate. "I'm a little nervous about meeting Santa."

"I think he's here! What do I do?!"

Lauren was so happy to see Santa!

Lauren and Santa, "Can we look at the shoes now?"

"I think I forgot my list!"

"Oh well, maybe Santa knows what I want."

Nathan was worn out after his big morning! He took the longest nap when we got home which I loved!


Anonymous said...

Nathan, you look so cute! Santa is going to have something special for you. How about Mama and Papa for the weekend? Lauren is so dainty. Can she talk baby talk as well as Mama?

Anonymous said...

Nate, you looked so cute. Have you been naughty or nice this year? I think Lauren would make the cutest girlfriend....I hear that you are quite the ladies' man with her!