Friday, December 14, 2007

Four Months Old

Nathan had his 4 month birthday yesterday! I can't believe how fast time flies! We went for his 4 month checkup, and everything is perfect. During our visit, Dr. Guetershloh asked if Nathan was smiling, laughing, making eye contact, babbling and cooing. The whole time he was asking these questions, Nathan was doing it all to Dr. G! He was so happy at his appointment, but little did he know that he was about to get 4 shots. Nathan was a big boy though. After he got his shots, he cried for a bit but stopped as soon as I picked him up. Luckily Grandmother was there with me to help comfort him. Nathan weighs 15lbs 6 oz. and is 25.8 inches long. He is in the 70th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height! Our baby does not miss a meal :) He has also just started rolling over from his tummy to his back.
Nathan and Grandmother (Wayne's mom).

Laying down for an afternoon nap.

Wayne and I had another Christmas party to go to. We have been party animals these last two weeks!

Mommy and baby in front of the tree.

This was the last of Wayne's Christmas parties. I sure was getting used to these nights out! Today we're off to Austin to celebrate another early Christmas with my parents and sisters.

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