Monday, August 31, 2009

Planting Flowers with Grandmother

Grandmother has been with us a little over a week since Nathan's birthday party, and we have had so much fun together! Nathan can even say Grandmother now! I love it when she comes to visit because she pretty much takes care of Nathan while I run errands, shop, meet friends for dinner, movies, go out with Wayne, sleep late...whatever I want to do is fine with her. She just wants to spend time with Nathan, and I am more than willing to let them do just that while I pamper myself :)

A few days ago, Helen surprised me by bringing home several plants to plant in my two hanging baskets (I've been meaning to plant something in them for a year now). So she and Nathan worked together. Nathan wants to do everything himself now. "Nay Nay do'd it" and "Nay Nay's turn" are common phrases that we hear over and over and over.

"Hi Grandmother! What are you doing?"

"That's a big bag of dirt! I'd love to stick my hands in it!"

"I had to take a break to get my juice."

"Nathan's turn!"

"Sorry I poured dirt all over the patio...Grandmother's turn're doing a great job!"

"I love you Grandmother. Now, let's go sit on the front steps and look for worms like we always do!"

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