Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Playdate with Lauren

Earlier this week, Lauren came over for the morning to play. Nathan and Lauren are just like a brother and sister. They love each other and love playing together, but they are not shy about telling the other one what they don't like, or stealing toys from the other one. As soon as Lauren came to the door, Nathan took her hand and said, "Om on Lauren" (come on Lauren), and then said, "Lauren git you!" He wanted Lauren to chase him, which she gladly did. They ran all through the house laughing so loud and chasing each other. First Lauren would chase Nathan and then Nathan would chase Lauren.

I finally got them to calm down for a little while to eat a snack. What's funny is that Lauren found the cabinet door that has all of Nathan's plates and bowls. She brought out two snack cups and gave Nathan one. Then they both came up to me asking me to fill them with a snack :)

And then there was more running and playing outside. After wearing them out for a second time, they each asked for juice and sat in the big chair together to watch "The Three Little Pigs."
Nathan loves to show off for Lauren. Here's a short video of him doing just that, and then he almost falls out of his chair. He was fine though :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Nathan, I think your girlfriend is just precious! You two make a cute couple!