Sunday, December 12, 2010

Charlotte is 7 Months Old

Charlotte is 7 months old! Her biggest achievements from last month are sitting up on her own, rolling back and forth, TRYING to crawl, and getting two bottom teeth. You'll see in her pictures that she has her bottom lip sucked in...she started doing this after her little teeth came in...I think she's still getting used to them!

For a while now she has been waking up several times during the night, but in the last week, she has been sleeping until 5 or 6 in the morning. Her teeth just broke through a week ago so I'm hoping (make that PRAYING) that sore gums was the reason she wasn't sleeping all night. Hopefully this is not a coincidence! Plus I'm trying to stuff her at night with baby food. She's loving that part!

When I put this outfit on her, I asked Wayne what he thought about it. He gave me a look like a went a bit overboard with dressing her up and said, "She looks like a Christmas present." Great! That was what I was going for! We'll take that as a compliment :)

Nathan loves to try to teach her to crawl, but he cheats a little bit. He'll put a toy in front of her when she's on her tummy. She'll reach and reach for it, but before she really gets a chance to try to get it, he'll give it to her and say, "Look! She got it! Everyone clap for her!"


Carrie said...

She is the cutest Christmas present I have ever seen. Seriously she looks like a little doll!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Baby Charlotte you look like a little Christmas package with all those pretty ribbons. You are such a sweet girl. Nathan and I just love to play with you and hug and kiss you. Love, Mama and Papa