Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth of July

For the fourth, we had a pretty relaxing holiday. We let daddy sleep in and then we watched a movie, went swimming, and watched fireworks that night.

To start the day, I got Nathan and Charlotte dressed in their fourth of July shirts and wanted to take their pictures outside. It is so hard to get ONE great picture with TWO kids! I think I took thirty pictures and bribed them with two ice cream sandwiches along the way. I did end up getting some cute ones though. But it always seemed like when Nathan smiled, Charlotte didn't and vice versa. Just give me one decent smile for 2 seconds at the SAME time!

Nathan was so excited about the fireworks and could hardly wait for it to get dark. He asked us over and over if it was time to watch them. I honestly thought he would fall asleep and we'd end up not going but they both stayed wide awake because the were so excited! Wayne found a great spot off the side of the road and the couldn't wait to get out, run around, and watch the show. Well Frisco's fireworks don't start until after the end of the soccer game, and it didn't end until closer to 10 instead of 9:30. By the time it started, Nathan had already asked to go home several times, he and charlotte were annoying each other, and we were all thirsty and hungry. But once it did start, Nathan and Charlotte really liked it...and they both fell asleep on the way home :) We had lots of fun

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