We are starting the 4th week of kindergarten. The first two weeks were great. Nathan was always happy to go to school and happy when I picked him up. But two Fridays ago and the Monday after were very bad days. On Friday, Nathan had Mrs. Holditch (his English speaking teacher). We normally walk with Jake and his mom but Jake was running late this day so we had to go on. As we were walking to school, Nathan started to get sad, saying he didn't want to go to school. I told him every kid has to go to school and not going wasn't an option. I told him just to think good thoughts and that he would have a fun day. I honestly thought he'd snap out of it once we got to the doors. But the tears just started coming and wouldn't stop. We were at the front of the school, and I tried reasoning with him, comforting him, but he wanted nothing to do with walking into the school. Finally, Mr. Martin, the principal saw our struggle and came out to help. Sweet little Nathan took one look at him and bolted for the door. Seriously?! I grabbed his backpack but he put his arms back and let it fall right off into my hands. Once outside, he sat down on the bench (after hiding behind a concrete column) and Mr. Martin and I sat next to him. Mr. Martin was very sweet to Nathan and not punishing at all (which I think Nathan was kind of afraid of at first). He told Nathan to just sit there a while with me and calm down and then said that he could either walk to class with just him or with me and him. Of course, Nathan chose me. Now, remember that when we first started out that morning, I wasn't planning on walking into the building, just dropping off. So, Charlotte is in her nightgown with a full pull-up and no shoes. I am dressed...but not nicely. We walk down the hallway with Nathan squeezing my hand so tight, that I'm losing feeling and I'm holding Charlotte with the other arm. When we get to Nathan's class, Mr. Martin leads him in, stands in front of the door, and then waves to me behind his back. Thank goodness!
After school, Nathan was happy as a lark. He had a great day, was happy it was the weekend, and said "I think I was just tired Mommy." So all weekend, we prepared for Monday and Nathan assured us, it wouldn't happen again.
Monday gets here, and he does the same freaking thing! He starts crying before we leave the house. Wayne talks to him to get him calmed down, and Nathan tries hard to settle down, but just can't. I text Jennifer that we are running late and for her and Jake to go on. It doesn't help that we are having to rush now. We've got 5 minutes to get there without being late, so we rush out the front door and speed walk to the school. Of course, Nathan is lagging behind. When we finally get to the front door, he just breaks down. Not again! Half of me is frustrated and half of me is sad for him. I realize kindergarten is a big change, but we have no choice! He doesn't understand why we can't just go home. On this day, no one is standing at the front doors, so I have to go to the office and tell them what's going on and ask for help. As they are getting the counselor. I go sit with Nathan, trying to comfort him and pretty much BEGGING him to calm down and go to class happily. Nope.
The counselor (an older lady who has a sing song voice) comes out and says in a happy, chipper (annoying) voice, "Are we having a hard time? You know Mom, kids really need to get 10-12 hours of sleep...could that be the problem?" Nathan was not the least bit comforted by her and was hugging my arm as tight as he possibly could. We both tried to reason with him a little longer, but then she said, "OK mom, you're just going to have to go." I nodded, feeling the tears well up. It was so awful to have to pry his fingers off of my arm and clothes and see him crying so hard. I had to just walk out hearing him cry for me. Charlotte and I walked home (me crying) and as I told Wayne all about it, I got just as upset as Nathan!
We both worried about him all day. The counselor did call me later that morning and told me that he did eventually calm down. And his teacher let him and a few of his friends play on the computer for 10 minutes until he was ready to join the class. I could not WAIT for 2:40 to get here!!!
When I picked him up, Sra. Melendez (his Spanish teacher) said he was wonderful that day. And she was do proud of him for bring brave. Nathan beamed. Nathan told me he was so sorry again and that he really does like kindergarten. I took away the tv and iPad that day as a consequence (which he didn't like, but didn't argue about). Nathan wrote a letter to daddy that said, "I'm sorry that I cried." It was his idea and he wanted to put it in an envelope in the mailbox for Wayne to get when he got home. We ended up having a nice afternoon - reading, writing, drawing. When Daddy got home, he had a great heart to heart with his buddy. He had gotten his letter, which really touched him. Nathan PROMISED us that he would not get upset tomorrow, and we all agreed that we need to get in bed at 7:30, read a few books, rub backs, and be asleep by 8.
That is exactly what we've been doing and we haven't had another incident like those two. Thank goodness! Now Nathan is getting to know all of the kids and getting into the groove of things. Plus he now knows no matter what, he has to go to school.
He is such a sweet boy and loves his mommy and daddy so much! He just wants to be with us.